Monday, March 15, 2010
all the right moves with all the wrong faces
he made her believe in him,but he always break his promises,break her heart.
she didn't care ,though there's rumour saying he's going to leave her this and that.
they then kept argue,he always call her back and make her happy even though it's late in the middle of the night.
after some days,he don't care,he don't bother anymore,though the girl cried her lungs out,her heart breaks into pieces,but he's not calling,but scolding,complaining,not caring,not making her happy once again anymore. he let her settle herself down,she cries,her heart breaks.
she always need him the most,but she guess he doesn't.
day by day,the girl feel lost in his heart,she don't know who is she and where is she in his heart.
the promises he made,he breaks it,always tell her trust him once again,again,again,and again.
he claims she ruined his life,he didn't know,how she sacrifices for him.
he wouldn't know,she now used to rely on him. and thinking she's annoying
whenever she need him,he'll call him. but he'll scold and misunderstood her.
her heart then break and she cries in the middle of the night,alone.
all she need is him,he didn't get it.
and yet,till now,they argued and he's telling the girl,.........
the heartbreak story.
Blogged @ 12:39 PM |

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
watch me baby
went to school,
stood under the sun for minutes only then headache,feeling dizzy.
when i went to class , it was so goddamn cold,i was freezing.
even if i wore a sweater,i still feel cold. and my head seriously make me feel like a half-dead person.
no joke,seriously sick. stupid sun!
now,you guys will know why i hate to be under the sun haha.
and i was sick like omg -.-
it hell killing me. i was half-dead,drank a bowl of soup and ate 2 spoon of rice only. *this is so not me* haha
all i do is sleep sleep sleep,but hell? my body was so weird,suddenly freeze when the air conditioner and everything is off,and after some moment hot like burning even if the fan works with the air conditioner.
oh my god =.= i can't stand it anymore.
and today,babe came my house =D i love youuuuuu!
good luck in your running competition babe,all the best,i know you can do it =)
and i'm feeling better now,getting better.
and now i feel like i'm loved cause he sayang me alot =p
i will get well soon,babe.
with love.
Blogged @ 9:28 PM |

Thursday, March 4, 2010
people like you will not grow,sigh.
haha,guess what? these kinda friends are fake.
again and again,betrayed me once,twice ,thrice and more.
one slut,one bitch. fuck off please,i seriously hate you guys. fuck you! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! BITCH! FUCKING BITCH! I WISH YOU COULD DIE NOW! LIVING YOU ON EARTH IS JUST A WASTE! BRAINLESS BITCH!
sorry readers,just to spill out what i can't control. =) i promise i'll make my blog more alive again.
sorry for leaving the blog dead for months cause i've been busy and lazy to update. everyday's a tiring day to me. friends? no more. fakers? hell alot! omg seriously,she needs to get a fuck !
sohai bitch!
Blogged @ 5:15 PM |