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Monday, September 6, 2010
holiday mood which is,everyone's favourite!♥

we're having 2 weeks of holidays since today ! =D
it's a good news to me,us,we all! right? no one dislikes holiday,unless you'r
e abnormal.
people are stressed out by their daily pressure from anywhere,anyone,anytime,anything.
if holiday doesn't exist,we could barely breathe.
because we're not robots,we need to rest once in a while.
even robots need to rest and stop working for a moment.
so yea,i'm gonna make this holiday the best. not like those previou
s ones,staying at home and stoning infront of the freaking computer,playing facebook games,chatting,eating then back to sleep.
i hate doing nothing during holidays! i didn't go out that often because my mom is always controlling me from freedom.
which is,what i'm desperate for!
i dislike being controlled,dislike being jailing in the house.
it's just plain boring,and that's so not jie ying =)
i'm a person who loves to hang out,who loves to stay outside as long as i can.
my mom just don't understand me,at this age,teenagers hate to be controlled in anyway.
we prefer you not to care bout us so much,you know?
well,my mom don't even let me wear something short. that's what i hate the most.
it's my choice to wear anything,go anywhere,hang out with whoever i'd like to be with.
but she controls me in EVERYWHERE! that's really irritating and annoying.
i know,i might be wild in her eyes. but i'm not,i'm just an ordinary girl who wants freedom,who would like to have freedom. unlike now,being controlled in everything.
if you want to control me now,i will hate you more. you're making me dislike you,i know it's rude.
but this is what i'm thinking and i know it's not good at all,this isn't what i want or beg for.
if you could,just let me have a lil more freedom,i won't be the current me.
being rude to you,and stuff.
you think you can control me till when? i know you worry bout me,but it's just too much.
you need not to care THAT much.

btw,i went for manicure on last saturday at kuchai lama.
they were having anniversary sales,RM10 for any service.
so i did manicure, a simple one just for RM10.
i actually wanted to have some drawings on my nails,but mom said it's wasting. so i didn't do it.
and yea,i've chose a very light pink which is quite natural. the colour is not that obvious.
here's the picture
it's like colourless,but it's a very light pink la

and she bought me this! =D
thank you mom. it is panda-monium pink,by O.P.I made in USA.♥
they were having products' sale which you buy the nail lacquer,
you could get the small bottle of solar oil,nail conditioner.
which spent my mom RM 20++ when she bought it
last year i think. so,it's worth it. buy a RM59 nail lacquer and get
the nail conditioner for free. it's at the kuchai lama area .

he swore for me ♥

Blogged @ 2:22 PM | 0 comments

Friday, August 27, 2010
S.E's event !

hey peeps ! i hate this type of font,lines under words. ugly la. i don't hell know what happened to my blog thing. delete pictures when i blog also cannot one. stupid!
so,sorry readers! for not updating for months! ahaha. now i'm alive once again,cause exam's over,monthly shit (period) IS OVER! for now only. next month suffering again. and so,here i wanna share some stuff about our S.E club. our club members went to The Curve to attend this event to raise funds for charity to cure cancer people. but it disappointed us,we didn't really sell much.
nevermind,let's make it a lesson to be better =)
so here's some pictures on that day

bought this hair cocktail haha ♥the smell is so sweet!
look at it! next to our stall did it
how cute! ♥
a lil retard
adorableee ♥
this too ♥
here we had our event held on ;) and had a free breakfast coupon at McD that day.

babe ♥ he fetched me to pavillion then back to The Curve again.
these are the products from the stall beside us.
just have to admit that their products are so cute!
our company's sticker! it's cool to have our own stickers ;)
car stickers. we wrote it,cut it and laminated it !
all types of switch cover
tadaaa! candle holder with our own company's sticker on it,so cool !
i did this switch cover ! nice? =p
switch cover,it makes your switch look nicer
yet you can now switch it on with wet hands,with no worries of getting electic shock ;D
sea shells which are made as candle holder.
yes,clock. we did it by our own =)

Blogged @ 5:00 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, August 5, 2010
getting over it!

hey peeps! sorry for being so freakingly dead! laziness kills,trust me :D
i'll start blogging from now on,and be an active blogger again. heheee
and,if you guys wanna support us,you can go to The Curve at Kota Damansara on this Saturday ! =D it's for the charity,spread your love to them!


Blogged @ 7:18 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, May 30, 2010
relay for life event

sorry,forgive for my laziness to talk about it. it was muddy and my legs were cold like hell.
legs ached too. sweated like hell. hot like hell . that's all :D

Blogged @ 10:09 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, May 29, 2010
relay for life

there's an event going to be held in the bkt jalil training centre.
i'll be there,so peeps who are kind-hearted,be there and come to our boothes =D
we're there to raise charity funds for the cancer suffering people.
may god bless them and make them get well soon with these money =)
give them a help people. =) it's somewhere near the MSN .
stay tune people,will blog bout it tomorrow if i'm free .


Blogged @ 2:51 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, May 27, 2010
to KLCC's IBE fair =)

IBE stands for International Beauty Expo , it was a beauty fair.
there were lots of boothes selling cosmetics,masks,skin care products,nails polish,magazine and more. i found that advertisement in newspaper and eventually left it in my room,didn't know it is going to end so fast. i saw it few days before the fair started.
i then took it and read about it and it stated 22th-25th May at KLCC.
it was the last day on tuesday,luckily i saw it on monday and realised it was a beauty fair and told mom to bring me there right the next day as 25th is the last day of the fair.
i was kind of exciting but then when i walked in,i was more like shocked instead of exciting LOL.
there was seriously too many boothes for the cosmetics and stuffs,mom asked me not to buy the masks cause probably they are fake ones.
some might get the stocks from China which produces bad quality stuffs but nice packing at the outside which always give people the feeling of the products are real.
i bought a box of lower part lashes with RM24 or RM34? i've forgotten.
and i bought a BB cream from skin79. i bought the pink one! they were the only things i bought from the beauty fair,there wasn't many people in it,and it was so cold as i was freezing.
these were what i bought ♥

Blogged @ 9:17 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, May 23, 2010
a date out with my babe ♥

at first,i was late cause of the stupid lorry driver ! they carry the stuffs down and parked behind brother's car. but after that he still drive away for us,thanks for that =)
first when i reached ts ,babe was so damn angry =( cause he was so early at pavillion as his sis have to get herself into KLCC for the show thing.
sorry babe,i wasn't in the mood also.
he was hell angry and asked me what is the time now?! with the angry face ..
then,we watched IP man 2 ,the movie he wants to watch so desperately and he was angry cause i was late for his favourite movie. sorry babe hm,but it wasn't my fault right?
then after that,my legs were injured due to running under the sun to pavillion from ts,and i was wearing heels actually my legs were full of pain,but i still run to pavillion for him. i ran as fast as i could and i nearly fell down for many times. =\ this is how it hurts my toes and legs

and this is what i've put on the for the injuries ,cute much =D

took few pictures with him but then he kept walking so there's only one or two pictures of us,
can't see me! =(

so here's some pictures of me

till then

Blogged @ 10:06 PM | 0 comments