Wednesday, January 7, 2009
3rd day.
it's the third day of school~
and i found myself much more concentrating when teachers are teaching . but i didn't really wanna hear the dead people stories which the mr. choong talked so long for about 2 periods.
most of the people were listening to him,but i didn't. =)
it's just too boring to hear what he says. it just make me feel annoying. so, i took the dr. jekyll and mr hyde story book and read some pages when he was talking talking talkingggggg..
i remember the first time he taught us,i almost felt asleep.
and and and,sejarah teacher ,mr sugendrannnnn. the indian teacher,he talks fastlyyy. and wei hong asked him to talk slower haha.
AND! finally i got my locker -.-
i asked mr kadir or gadir( no idea) for locker keyy for so many times,and he told me later later later and later ,which annoys me.
then finally...
went to the lab,choosing key...
i took a key and went to him ,the lab was in a mess.
then he wrote the key's code.
walked to the locker and try ' eiii,why got books onee?'
went back to the lab..
choosing again,and i chose 1.
'mr kadir,just now the locker someone using already lahh,now i change another one ah,'
'okayy,tell me the code'
then i walk to the locker and have a look in it,but..
'eii,again! why lidat oneee?!'
walk back to the labb,choose again.( the keys were messy enough and i hate it )
finally chose another one.
'mr kadir,the locker someone using again oh,i choose another one ah,'
walking walking walking ,(worrying its someone's locker again.)
opened it,'yay! finally! waaaa! so dusty ah!'(have to clean lo~)
haha,then after that,it's time already,so i didn't study for bm .
then me and soo jean stayed back to do the maths together.
then we went to the class and do it.
take the books out,was about to start doing it,'where is my pencil box?' i said
find find find find,'what lahh! who took it!'
got angry , really angry..
then i calm down and think think think,'soo jean, what was the last period just now ?'
' err,bm'
'may be your pencil box is there!'
'err,haha,may be.'
'not may be,sure there already lah!'
'lol! okayy,'
'lets go'
then i found it back! xD
i was so happy when i saw my pencil boxxx!
i know it's not that expensive and i dont have to be so angry,but ,i don't really wanna lose it mahh.hahah.
then we went back to class ..
'i feel so stuipd la!'i said
'yea la ,i feel so too' soo jean said
then we continue do our stuffs haha. okayy,im gonna do my homework . bye byee~
♥jie ying
stupid enough today.
stupid enough today.
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