Sunday, January 25, 2009
happy chinese new year !
hey,it's new year tomorrow!
ang pau will be received tomorrow,wait for me,angpauss! :D can't wait to get them.
hope i'll grow a little taller,not too tall,ofcourse.
i'm having sore throat now.=( i hate that,i've been so healthy ,no sore throat ,no fever,no cough,for so longgg. but i had flue too.
i had a pimple -,- i hate it,it's so painful =( please,release me pimples! :O bye bye lah,i don't like you ,pimples =\ go find your new dear LOL,your new dream house is not jie ying please! T.T
i will post about the new year soon.
oh,i upload a picture each post,for now,because it will be boring if there's no picture but only words,i know .
it won't be much pictures after some time.=)
appreciate them.♥
okayy,i will be eating lots of food from tomorrow on ! heheeee!
i eat a lot now a days O: hope i won't get fat laa,don't gain weight .*prays*
okayy,got nothing to say but ,gong hei fat choi laa :D angpau mari mari ke jie ying sini laa . ho ho ho,muahs buh bye.
♥jie ying
muahs,hi angpau.
muahs,hi angpau.
Blogged @ 10:50 PM |