Sunday, January 11, 2009
tagged by the bryantt the koh .
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture now.
2. Don't change your clothes, just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post the picture according to the above instructions.
chatting and doing this.
2. What do you like the most about you siblings?
my family fun ma!=P
3. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
err,i don't know. just let it be naturally.
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
err,not really.
5. How many babies do you want?
haha,not too much.2 or 3 ? lol.
6. What would you name your kids in the future?
em,there will be names in the future.
7. What is your goal for this year (2009)?
have a better life,have more true friends who really care about me.
8. Do you think you are clever?
hell no
9. What are your favourite colours?
pink and white :D :D :D *high 5 bryanttt!*
10. Do you ever wonder where you would end up after you die?
ya wei. i wanna stay in earth go kacau people.=P whoever offended me,be careful,hehe.
11. What are your bad habits?
hehe,my friends knows.
12. If you were given the chance to do anything now, what would it be?
go out everywhere,everytime i want,till the time i want to go home.
13. State a random fact about yourself.
im not a hardworking student ;D
14. What does flying mean to you?
err,fly in the sky la?
15. What do you crave for currently?
food.:O :O
16. Describe the person who tagged you in seven words.
he's err fat,funny,stupid at times,honest(really) lol.
17. Are you currently single?
18. What is on your mind now?
when will it be to finish up my homework -.-
19. Do you believe in fate?
20. How tall are you currently?
#Remove one question from above and add in your own personal question.
#Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people.
#Notify them in their cbox that they have been tagged.
#List them out at the end of the post.
i did the first sentence of the instrunctions,only. haha.
who want to tag,just tag laa okayy?
♥jie ying
Blogged @ 5:58 PM |