Thursday, February 12, 2009
to the singaporeee
i woke up early and slept in the carrr for such a moment.
then all the way to singapore i did is , eat potato chips,drink water,sms,sleep,wake,sleep,wake. i repeated these ,then finally i reached singapore!

so we stopped somewhere to have our lunch,they say the mee
is not delicious at all.and they praised me for ordering the chicken rice :P
my chicken rice is the best among theseeee.
and we ended up like that,i finished but then didn't.
seeee! i don't waste food le :P :P

after eating,we walked to the shop beside the restaurant
mr. sotong -.- lol.

on the wayyy to singapore.

ang mo kio ave -_- swt!

orchard road!! :D :D which means shoppinggggg !


can u spot the marry go round?

here,it's clearer.
i didn't have a ride on it,cause i'm afraid of getting stuck in it
like the newspaper said.

haha,the man -,-

double storeyy bus. haha.

the err ?church.

the toilet O:

mcdonald house !LOL.

weeeeeee,but i didn't bought anyone of it home.

wow @@

and here,they say i look like her O:
i do love her laa :D

spotted this biscuit or cookie? no idea -_-
anyway,i think it is nice la.
so i took a picture of it.

and i spotted some hello kitty stuffs in the 7-eleven .
i don't see these in malaysia,but i didn't buy any of it O:

the hello kitties! i love the first one(orange and black) and the purple oneeee!

the girls of FHM :P

i bought this,it's the honey sticks O: singapore money: $2.80

that night ♥
not boasting,my cousin really looks handsome laaa,ahaha.
omggggg! i melt inside whenever he look into my eye and smile to me I:
he's actually married lols,his wife is a lucky woman.

me! the 2nd day in singapore.

in some shopping's toilet.

the cup cakes!

cupcakes again.


and lastly,mahjong cupcakes O: O:

the mini babies socks!♥awww.

the tiny oness

hugeee oness O:

woahh bigger than my hand lols!


heartssss.i love themmm! ♥♥
the salesman gave me 2body polish,i should have 1 body lotion and 1 body polish actually.


i was hunting for this juicy courture's(whatever how you spell it) shop but i failed.

there will be a new shopping mall ! wait for me babeh! :P :P

and i bought 1 shirt in singapore.
♥jie ying
i love the perfumes.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
to the singaporeee
i woke up early and slept in the carrr for such a moment.
then all the way to singapore i did is , eat potato chips,drink water,sms,sleep,wake,sleep,wake. i repeated these ,then finally i reached singapore!

so we stopped somewhere to have our lunch,they say the mee
is not delicious at all.and they praised me for ordering the chicken rice :P
my chicken rice is the best among theseeee.
and we ended up like that,i finished but then didn't.
seeee! i don't waste food le :P :P

after eating,we walked to the shop beside the restaurant
mr. sotong -.- lol.

on the wayyy to singapore.

ang mo kio ave -_- swt!

orchard road!! :D :D which means shoppinggggg !


can u spot the marry go round?

here,it's clearer.
i didn't have a ride on it,cause i'm afraid of getting stuck in it
like the newspaper said.

haha,the man -,-

double storeyy bus. haha.

the err ?church.

the toilet O:

mcdonald house !LOL.

weeeeeee,but i didn't bought anyone of it home.

wow @@

and here,they say i look like her O:
i do love her laa :D

spotted this biscuit or cookie? no idea -_-
anyway,i think it is nice la.
so i took a picture of it.

and i spotted some hello kitty stuffs in the 7-eleven .
i don't see these in malaysia,but i didn't buy any of it O:

the hello kitties! i love the first one(orange and black) and the purple oneeee!

the girls of FHM :P

i bought this,it's the honey sticks O: singapore money: $2.80

that night ♥
not boasting,my cousin really looks handsome laaa,ahaha.
omggggg! i melt inside whenever he look into my eye and smile to me I:
he's actually married lols,his wife is a lucky woman.

me! the 2nd day in singapore.

in some shopping's toilet.

the cup cakes!

cupcakes again.


and lastly,mahjong cupcakes O: O:

the mini babies socks!♥awww.

the tiny oness

hugeee oness O:

woahh bigger than my hand lols!


heartssss.i love themmm! ♥♥
the salesman gave me 2body polish,i should have 1 body lotion and 1 body polish actually.


i was hunting for this juicy courture's(whatever how you spell it) shop but i failed.

there will be a new shopping mall ! wait for me babeh! :P :P

and i bought 1 shirt in singapore.
♥jie ying
i love the perfumes.