Sunday, October 18, 2009
it's nothing but you.
i'm bored,i want to do some shopping.
i want to pamper myself by sleeping until the afternoon :p
i didn't sleep well ,i need to sleep!*ahem* cause of someone .
i had a bad headache last night,sorry for being rude to you.
♥jie ying
Blogged @ 5:34 PM |

Friday, October 16, 2009
baby,hold me tight. ♥
yes,you've changed for me (:
i'm happy with it,i didn't know you could correct those attitude i dislike so quickly.
i'm glad to have you like last time again ♥
i love to stay in your arms,i love how you tease me ,but i always show the so whatever face.
i'm missing you already! thanks boy ,i hope these wouldn't change anymore. but yes,it may change,but to the better :)
you're like my remote control,cause you can actually control my emotions immediately.
you can push me to the sky now ,and you can just pull me down to the lowest place in the other second.
thanks ,you made me feel that again,these were what i waited for months and i've finally got it. ♥
♥jie ying
in your arms i'd like to stay.
Blogged @ 6:30 PM |

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
'don't be afraid ,cause i'll be there.',you said.
but still,i lived in this messy room for bout half a year ,lol. blame Pmr,it caused me having extra time to clean my room.
and now,finally it's cleaned.
i cleaned my room since about 9 or 10 in the morning until 12something.
finally i'm done with it! weeeeee ,i want to sleep now! i'm tired =(
i love how we used to be,in the past,i hope it won't change.
i love how we used to be,in the past,i hope it won't change.
is it changing? cause sometimes,i can really feel it shaking.
and it's not easy to calm myself down right on the spot.
i know,i know,nothing lasts forever,and the memories we gone through will not be erase.
anyhow,i still love you as i do! :D
don't disappoint me,you know who you are.
i'm waiting for your change , your habit that i really hope you could change immediately.
i'll be waiting for you ♥
and don't make me fall ,can ya?
i know you can. (:
♥jie ying
cause baby everytime you kiss me
kiss me like it's the last time
kiss me like you'll never see me again.
Blogged @ 5:23 PM |

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
i've tried to tolerate,but i can't stand it.
here's a picture of mine,a current one.
it's been such a LONG time i didn't update my blog,and now,it's so dead.
i know i know,i'm left out.
anyhow,lets fly for the end of Pmr people! ( for the form3's)
K.h paper was goddamn easayyyy! i hope i can get an A for it :D
guess what,i studied until late at night everyday for Pmr ,and wake up at 5 to study ,cause i can't stuck anything in my mind anymore when my eyes were heavy like pounds.
and now,i'm still feeling the heaviness on my eyes,i'm too tired,seriously,i need a LONG time to recover myself.
i found that paris hilton is pretty and hot :p ,i saw her pictures 1 year ago or maybe even long time ago,but i didn't look clearly at her.
and here's a picture of her,have a look.

Bm was hard,i think i'm gonna get a C for it? or even worse? :x
and when i flipped over the pages of the Bm paper 2,i can't believe what i saw, ' panas salju' it was!
we don't have any other choices,most of my friends studied bout the two others novel,i studied for 'meniti kaca' ,because i think that's an easy story to memorise.
i don't think it's fair to us,just telling.
English was easayyyyy too,but paper 2,hm.
i hope the teacher who marks my paper isn't a strict one. *prays*
science paper 1 was easy ,but paper 2 was kind of strange to me. cause that's what i didn't revise the previous night.
Maths was easy!
Kh was easy!
chinese was just okay.
oh ,and sejarah and geography was kinda tough for me.
i shoot for most of the answers . :S
♥jie ying
i miss how we used to be in the past,
is it coming to an end?
Blogged @ 9:26 PM |