Tuesday, October 13, 2009
i've tried to tolerate,but i can't stand it.
here's a picture of mine,a current one.
it's been such a LONG time i didn't update my blog,and now,it's so dead.
i know i know,i'm left out.
anyhow,lets fly for the end of Pmr people! ( for the form3's)
K.h paper was goddamn easayyyy! i hope i can get an A for it :D
guess what,i studied until late at night everyday for Pmr ,and wake up at 5 to study ,cause i can't stuck anything in my mind anymore when my eyes were heavy like pounds.
and now,i'm still feeling the heaviness on my eyes,i'm too tired,seriously,i need a LONG time to recover myself.
i found that paris hilton is pretty and hot :p ,i saw her pictures 1 year ago or maybe even long time ago,but i didn't look clearly at her.
and here's a picture of her,have a look.

Bm was hard,i think i'm gonna get a C for it? or even worse? :x
and when i flipped over the pages of the Bm paper 2,i can't believe what i saw, ' panas salju' it was!
we don't have any other choices,most of my friends studied bout the two others novel,i studied for 'meniti kaca' ,because i think that's an easy story to memorise.
i don't think it's fair to us,just telling.
English was easayyyyy too,but paper 2,hm.
i hope the teacher who marks my paper isn't a strict one. *prays*
science paper 1 was easy ,but paper 2 was kind of strange to me. cause that's what i didn't revise the previous night.
Maths was easy!
Kh was easy!
chinese was just okay.
oh ,and sejarah and geography was kinda tough for me.
i shoot for most of the answers . :S
♥jie ying
i miss how we used to be in the past,
is it coming to an end?
Blogged @ 9:26 PM |