Sunday, November 1, 2009
nothing lasts forever.
nothing lasts forever,i've learned in my past.
what they said were right,and yet ,i'm still giving hope on him which always break my heart into pieces.
you've changed,do you realize that?
the promises you made,but afterall you'll break it again.
should've known you'd bring me heartache,you don't treat me as good as you did before anymore.
well,i hope you'll change ,every second i'm thinking of it.
but how do i sleep if you break your promises?
i can't hold my tears back sometimes,but i know,i know i have to be strong.
it's not over? no? or is it almost the end?
i hope everything could change perfectly right now,i wish with all of my heart.
gosh,i'm just trying not to be an emo or a sick people crying all the night alone.
i really hope you can change,just for me? can you?
you've changed that one week,just one week.
why not more?
i hate how we argue everytime,and i'm always speechless which makes you get more angry.
i'm sorry babe,i guess i just have to bring myself out of this situation.
i really hate being an emo ! *smiles*
jie ying
and hey,why can't you see how much i love you?
Blogged @ 6:17 PM |