Saturday, December 26, 2009
merry christmas,i wrapped it up and sent it. with a note saying 'i love you',i meant it.♥
hey,sorry for abonding my blog.
i didn't sleep well these days,and don't have the mood to blog .
how did you spent your christmas yesterday? i spent it with my family shopping @ pavillion
oh,and there's a new taiwan dessert selling there. ♥ it. i totally fall in love with it =)
i was actually having a headache since the day before christmas=( how bad is it.
it's because i don't sleep much,my panda eyes are killing me. i hate it,i look horrible isn't it? =\
panda eyes ,go away!!
i'm feeling better today,still thinking what to be in the future.
i'm hesitating,any suggestions?
internal designer? fashion designer? bartender? hotel management? business? i have no idea.
i don't know what am i good at,sigh.
disappointed? no?
i need a life,like seriously. i wanna change my life right next year,i can't wait!
school's starting very soon. mom told me'1 more week,then you'll be in school already. don't want to buy your form4 books?'
god,time flies!
oh and if you guys wonder how is my Pmr result ,i got 4A's which are Mathematics,Science,English and Kh and which means i wouldn't have a puppy with me ,cause daddy said he'll buy me one if i got 5A's or above.
i guess i'm fine with it. i'll buy one or two for myself when i work,it's a must!
i want to study! i'm bored of holidays already,so yea. i'm curious of form4's life.
everyone's telling me to enjoy form4's life,it's your honeymoon. but then,my brother told me to study hard these 2 years,else i'll regret like him.
so,i'll work hard for Spm.
don't believe me? we'll see =) i guess i won't disappoint you,i'm serious.
oh,and i love my new blogskin. though it's a lil kiddy,i love the bitten cookie above there =D it's just adorable,isn't it?
Blogged @ 5:23 PM |