Tuesday, December 29, 2009
my god,i thought you were someone to rely on.
hey peeps,what do you feel when someone's acting so good in front of you while he/she is bitching bout you ?
i think you guys are too lame,you need to grow! like seriously .
you ain't the perfect one,Pmr is just nothing for everyone,it's just a key for you to choose science stream or art stream.
i don't give a fuck how many A's i've got,but you do. what's the point doing these behind of me? betraying me? laughing at me? let me tell you,if you can have straight A's in Spm,you can laugh anyone you like to. i'm gonna work hard for spm,so do you? =)
we'll see when the time comes,don't fucking act in front of me ,you're being such a bitch.
i can't stand it anymore,you're TOO bitchy ,TOO evil,i can't fight with a bitch like you.
you're being such a lame bitch :D anyway,i hate you. i'm going to ignore you,until you're matured? or maybe not.
i don't mind losing a friend like you,oh wait,are you even a friend to me? err,should be,a betrayer.*gasp*
you're too good in betraying others.
you have fucking lots of faces,good infront of me,bitch behind me. what else? you know by your own.
i knew, i knew it was wrong to have a 'friend' like you since when? form1? haha,we were very close,but you bitch behind me.
and you know what? every single thing you did behind me,i know.
but i always pretend like i'm the stupidest one,knowing nothing but still being friend with you.
hoping that you could change or something,but you won't .
you're getting worse-.-
you love the way you are? go on,i don't mind.
you're just a piece of shit in my life :D you're nothing,nothing but a bitch! =)
ohoh ,and thanks fang! for helping me out =p love you!
Blogged @ 7:31 PM |