Wednesday, April 21, 2010
you said i'm stubborn
the more you make the promise,the more i'm afraid of getting hurt and you gave me the worst birthday ever,seriously.
i didn't expected all these shits will happen to me,even us.
my god i seriously thought you were someone to be trusted,to rely on.
but now,i don't think so. but then,i'm trying the very best of me to give trust and confidence in you once again.
not that i don't want to,you made me protect myself from getting hurt again,and this is the way how i protect myself when you did it so many times to me.
i didn't thought of treating you like this,this isn't what i wanted.
i wanted a simple birthday celebration with some joy,i didn't get it,but i got those ugliest thing ever which stab my heart to the deepest.
i am now getting used to it,you promised again after we argued. but you still didn't keep your promise,and it hell get my nerves on! i couldn't control my emotions and my physical actions.
who should i trust now? omg
i hope i can read through your mind,without talking without you telling me the lies.
the biggest present i want for my birthday was just that,as simple as that.
this is the worst birthday i've ever had,trust me.
i don't celebrate much with my families for my birthday,but usually a cake with candles on it and blew it and ate'em up,that's it.
i usually get wishes from friends,gifts from friends.
but hell, i don't know what the fuck is wrong with my 16th life? THESE IS FREAKING ME OUT,I COULDN'T STAND THESE ANYMORE! i'm going crazy soon. no, really.
Blogged @ 10:20 PM |