Friday, May 21, 2010
freaking exam is finally OVER :)
well,exams kinda pissed me off and eventually stressed me out!
i didn't had good nights while sitting for them -.- they SUCKS to the max!
and finally,it's over TODAY! maths was super easy.
sejarah was hell!
vpws wants to watch IP man 2 so desperately,even my brother recommended it to my daddy :D
guess i'll out to pavillion tomorrow to watch it with the bf =)
i'm so gonna shop like mad ,so don't be shocked mom,dad,bf =p
i shutted myself in this house while sitting for exams,for the 2damn whole week!
i actually shutted myself and didn't even move a step out from this house weih,can you imagine?
it's not what my mom or dad told me or forced me to do so but i just did it for myself lol.
aite,it's time to go now. will be pictures for the next post,hopefully not to disappoint my dear readers.
sorry for leaving the blog dead again,i'll make it alive !
and err,i'm going to Taiwan soon! weeeeeee~ can't wait,we are going there just to shop! mom said we need a container,yes the huge one. to carry our stuffs bought from there LOL.
kay,till then.
-california girls- is awesome!
it's a song =)
Blogged @ 8:21 PM |