Wednesday, December 30, 2009
i'm going midvalley with babe,yao and maybe jian li tomorrow.
my skin is so sensitive now=( got rashes on my face oh god ! *sobs*
i hope it'll get better right tomorrow :(
i don't wanna appear in front of you guys with a shitty face !
it's the very first time i'm gonna hanging out with you guys in midvalley ahaha.
i so wanna watch zombieland and couple retreats,i didn't watch it the previous time when i went out with babe,cause the seller said 12.50 a.m,wth? crazy
i can't wait =) the pictures above is the picture i took in midv's toilet ahaha. they have a mirror in it. every single individual ones! how nicee
kay,i didn't sleep well last night ,i wanna sleep early today.
i love you babe! he's jogging wit his daddy now ,i'm so weak,i wish i could join them. i wanna train my body to the stronger! lol,yes i know i'm always saying bout that,but i didn't do it. disappointed,no?
kay,till then. bye
Blogged @ 7:35 PM |

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
my god,i thought you were someone to rely on.
hey peeps,what do you feel when someone's acting so good in front of you while he/she is bitching bout you ?
i think you guys are too lame,you need to grow! like seriously .
you ain't the perfect one,Pmr is just nothing for everyone,it's just a key for you to choose science stream or art stream.
i don't give a fuck how many A's i've got,but you do. what's the point doing these behind of me? betraying me? laughing at me? let me tell you,if you can have straight A's in Spm,you can laugh anyone you like to. i'm gonna work hard for spm,so do you? =)
we'll see when the time comes,don't fucking act in front of me ,you're being such a bitch.
i can't stand it anymore,you're TOO bitchy ,TOO evil,i can't fight with a bitch like you.
you're being such a lame bitch :D anyway,i hate you. i'm going to ignore you,until you're matured? or maybe not.
i don't mind losing a friend like you,oh wait,are you even a friend to me? err,should be,a betrayer.*gasp*
you're too good in betraying others.
you have fucking lots of faces,good infront of me,bitch behind me. what else? you know by your own.
i knew, i knew it was wrong to have a 'friend' like you since when? form1? haha,we were very close,but you bitch behind me.
and you know what? every single thing you did behind me,i know.
but i always pretend like i'm the stupidest one,knowing nothing but still being friend with you.
hoping that you could change or something,but you won't .
you're getting worse-.-
you love the way you are? go on,i don't mind.
you're just a piece of shit in my life :D you're nothing,nothing but a bitch! =)
ohoh ,and thanks fang! for helping me out =p love you!
Blogged @ 7:31 PM |

Saturday, December 26, 2009
merry christmas,i wrapped it up and sent it. with a note saying 'i love you',i meant it.♥
hey,sorry for abonding my blog.
i didn't sleep well these days,and don't have the mood to blog .
how did you spent your christmas yesterday? i spent it with my family shopping @ pavillion
oh,and there's a new taiwan dessert selling there. ♥ it. i totally fall in love with it =)
i was actually having a headache since the day before christmas=( how bad is it.
it's because i don't sleep much,my panda eyes are killing me. i hate it,i look horrible isn't it? =\
panda eyes ,go away!!
i'm feeling better today,still thinking what to be in the future.
i'm hesitating,any suggestions?
internal designer? fashion designer? bartender? hotel management? business? i have no idea.
i don't know what am i good at,sigh.
disappointed? no?
i need a life,like seriously. i wanna change my life right next year,i can't wait!
school's starting very soon. mom told me'1 more week,then you'll be in school already. don't want to buy your form4 books?'
god,time flies!
oh and if you guys wonder how is my Pmr result ,i got 4A's which are Mathematics,Science,English and Kh and which means i wouldn't have a puppy with me ,cause daddy said he'll buy me one if i got 5A's or above.
i guess i'm fine with it. i'll buy one or two for myself when i work,it's a must!
i want to study! i'm bored of holidays already,so yea. i'm curious of form4's life.
everyone's telling me to enjoy form4's life,it's your honeymoon. but then,my brother told me to study hard these 2 years,else i'll regret like him.
so,i'll work hard for Spm.
don't believe me? we'll see =) i guess i won't disappoint you,i'm serious.
oh,and i love my new blogskin. though it's a lil kiddy,i love the bitten cookie above there =D it's just adorable,isn't it?
Blogged @ 5:23 PM |

Saturday, December 12, 2009
cause you're irreplacable
look at my panda eyes! T.T GOD!
i♥this dress @forever 21 =(
took a picture in pavillion's fitting room.
thanks babe! i ♥ you! ♥ ♥
this is better la vincent poh! :p ♥
this is so-not-nice la babe O:
okay,i'm mad,i'm crazy.
i feel so lifeless now. suddenly feel like everything is boring. babe ,save me now.
i need you. i hate this feeling! T_T please,i'm begging,i don't want to feel this anymore!
i wanna be happy! T.T oh godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddamnitttttttt! =(
i don't know what to say anymore either,sorry,bye.
jie ying
i hate this feeling !
sucks! ftw!
Blogged @ 8:07 PM |

thanks baby <3
thanks for everything you did for me =)
now ,it's what you promised kay.
i love you =D i'm gonna miss you badly ='(
wanna be with you right now!
jie ying
ily <3
Blogged @ 11:36 AM |

Saturday, December 5, 2009
i can't live without you..
seems like you've changed to another person.
a totally different one,no,i can't accept it.
my heart aches,till now..yet,i can't smile truly since you said that to me.
i'm out of words already.
i,love him.
Blogged @ 10:09 PM |

why does love always feel like a battlefield?
Don't try to explain your mind
I know what's happening here
One minute it's love
And suddenly it's like a battlefield
One word turns into a war
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down?
My world's nothing when you don't
I'm not here without a shield
Can't go back now
Both hands, tied behind my back with nothing
Oh no, these times when we climb so fast to fall again
Why we gotta fall for it now
I never meant to start a war
You know I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
Why does love always feel like
Can't swallow our pride
Neither of us wanna raise that flag
If we can't surrender then we both gonna lose
What we had, oh no
Both hands tied behind my back with nothing
Oh no, these times when we climb so fast to fall again
I don't wanna fall for it now
I never meant to start a war
You know I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
I guess you better go and get your armor
(Get your armor)
Get your armor
I guess you better go and get your armor
(Get your armor)
Get your armor
I guess you better go and get your
We could pretend that we are friends tonight
(Oh, oh, oh)
And in the morning we'll wake up and we'll be alright
'Cause baby, we don't have to fight
And I don't want this love to feel like
A battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield
I guess you better go and get your armor
I never meant to start a war
You know I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know what we're fighting for
(Fighting, fighting for)
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
Why does love always feel like a battlefield
A battlefield, a battlefield?
I guess you better go and get your armor
(Get your armor)
Get your armor
I guess you better go and get your armor
(Get your armor)
Get your armor
Why does love always feel like?
Why does love always feel like?
A battlefield, a battlefield
I never meant to start a war
Don't even know what we're fighting for
I never meant to start a war
Don't even know what we're fighting for
baby i need you,my heart aches
i ,
so much...sigh
Blogged @ 12:12 PM |

Thursday, December 3, 2009
but now i feel like i don't know you
you've changed. why am i always the wrong one in your eye?
i'm so helpless without your support,is she that important? i don't know wtf is wrong with us
everything you think it's right then it's right what bout me? why can't you just think bout my feelings? why do you just think bout her? wtf!
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you
Blogged @ 4:08 PM |