Sunday, April 25, 2010
bloody sunday
i woke up at 7.30 and get myself prepared until 8 something.
got in the car,went to dad's office to fetch his workers,straight go to the ipoh jusco's popular. omg
damn tired! my leg is still aching now! =( need someone to massage for me.
and well,i bought something over there. there was alot of boutique shops and something like kuchai lama. yes,a part of it only. but not crowded at all.
damn lil people around,daddy fetched us there to let us shop.
we shopped a while and i saw dad sat in the kopitiam and drink coffee alone,i feel bad =( then i said i don't want shop already,let's go =) daddy's so good,he always accompany us to shop and not even complaining.
i love you daddy! =D
Blogged @ 10:26 PM |

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
you said i'm stubborn
the more you make the promise,the more i'm afraid of getting hurt and you gave me the worst birthday ever,seriously.
i didn't expected all these shits will happen to me,even us.
my god i seriously thought you were someone to be trusted,to rely on.
but now,i don't think so. but then,i'm trying the very best of me to give trust and confidence in you once again.
not that i don't want to,you made me protect myself from getting hurt again,and this is the way how i protect myself when you did it so many times to me.
i didn't thought of treating you like this,this isn't what i wanted.
i wanted a simple birthday celebration with some joy,i didn't get it,but i got those ugliest thing ever which stab my heart to the deepest.
i am now getting used to it,you promised again after we argued. but you still didn't keep your promise,and it hell get my nerves on! i couldn't control my emotions and my physical actions.
who should i trust now? omg
i hope i can read through your mind,without talking without you telling me the lies.
the biggest present i want for my birthday was just that,as simple as that.
this is the worst birthday i've ever had,trust me.
i don't celebrate much with my families for my birthday,but usually a cake with candles on it and blew it and ate'em up,that's it.
i usually get wishes from friends,gifts from friends.
but hell, i don't know what the fuck is wrong with my 16th life? THESE IS FREAKING ME OUT,I COULDN'T STAND THESE ANYMORE! i'm going crazy soon. no, really.
Blogged @ 10:20 PM |

Sunday, April 18, 2010
the insecurities.
well,sorry for not updating the blog and kept it so dead for so uber long.
it's been weeks or months i didn't blog.
because i just don't feel so.
i seriously wonder,why should i give trust in anyone with 100% of confidence.
i used to trust people around me,share every single thing with people around me,but they just love to hurt you in return. when you treat someone with the heart,they know but they don't appreciate and they love to hurt you,backstab you,bitch bout you,create rumours bout you,even do something behind you without you noticing it.
and when you only realized he/she did it and you didn't really expected it'll happen to you,it seriously make your heartbeat goes to 100 + .
yea,it was me.
i saw something i shouldn't see,i knew something i shouldn't know.
i shouted like an idiot,because my heart was feeling like fuck yea it fucking hurts.
it was my birthday,yes i got wishes from many people,but i didn't get what i wanted so desperately.
people around me just love to betray me when i didn't do that to them.
i feel like such an awful freak.
i should stop here by now,i am seriously disappointed..
the promises ain't done.
Blogged @ 8:23 PM |

this is kinda true,found it somewhere~
男朋友和哥们吃饭不会想你在干什么 吃饭怎么办;老公和哥们吃饭会不踏实 时不时给你发信息,一遍遍告诉你他很快就会回来
男朋友不敢给承诺,给了也未必做到; 老公敢于做出了承诺,而乙欢ɑ嶙龅健?
Blogged @ 11:14 AM |